#include <iostream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; int max(int p, int q) { return ((p>q) ? p : q); } class node; class node { public: char c; node* l; node* r; }; void printinorder(node* root) { if(!root) { return; } printinorder(root->l); cout << root->c << " "; printinorder(root->r); } int depth(node* root) { if(!root) return 0; return 1 + max(depth(root->l), depth(root->r)); } void printbylevel(node* root, int depth, int level) { if(!root) return; if(depth == level) { cout << root->c; } else { printbylevel(root->l, depth, level+1); cout<<" "; printbylevel(root->r, depth, level+1); } } void printlevelorder(node *root) { int d = depth(root); for(int i=0; i<d; i++) { for(int j=0;j<d-i;j++) cout << " "; printbylevel(root, i, 0); cout << endl; } } node* createBalancedBST(char s[], int l, int r) { if(l==r) { node* t = new node(); t->c = s[l]; t->l = NULL; t->r = NULL; return t; } else if(l>r) return NULL; int median = (l+r)>>1; node* t = new node(); t->c = s[median]; t->l = createBalancedBST(s, l, median-1); t->r = createBalancedBST(s, median+1, r); return t; } int main() { // your code goes here char s[100]; cin >> s; node* root = createBalancedBST(s, 0, strlen(s)-1); cout << "tree input is:" << s << endl; cout << "inorder: "; printinorder(root); cout << "\ntree depth=" << depth(root) << endl; cout << "level order: \n"; printlevelorder(root); return 0; } tree input is:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz inorder: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z tree depth=5 level order: m f t c i p w a d g k n r u y b e h j l o q s v x z
This blog site is dedicated for articles on problem solving using C, C++, data structures, algorithms. Besides this few technical articles are also presented.
Jun 26, 2017
create a balance BST from a sorted list
Print Diameter (max path) of a tree
#include <iostream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; int max(int p, int q) { return ((p>q) ? p : q); } int max3(int p, int q, int r) { return ((p>q) ? (p>r? p:r) : (q>r ? q:r)); } class node; class node { public: char c; node* l; node* r; }; void insert(node** root, char c) { if(!(*root)) { node* t = new node(); t->c = c; t->l=NULL; t->r=NULL; *root = t; //cout << "root=" << (*root)->c << endl; } else { if((*root)->c > c) { if(!(*root)->l) { node* t = new node(); t->c = c; t->l=NULL; t->r=NULL; (*root)->l = t; //cout << "left=" << (*root)->l->c << endl; } else insert(&((*root)->l), c); } else { if(!(*root)->r) { node* t = new node(); t->c = c; t->l=NULL; t->r=NULL; (*root)->r = t; //cout << "right=" << (*root)->r->c << endl; } else insert(&((*root)->r), c); } } } void printinorder(node* root) { if(!root) { return; } printinorder(root->l); cout << root->c << " "; printinorder(root->r); } int depth(node* root) { if(!root) return 0; return 1 + max(depth(root->l), depth(root->r)); } void printaltbylevel(node* root, int depth, int level) { if(!root) return; if(depth == level) { cout << root->c; } else { if(depth%2 == 0) { printaltbylevel(root->l, depth, level+1); printaltbylevel(root->r, depth, level+1); } else { printaltbylevel(root->r, depth, level+1); printaltbylevel(root->l, depth, level+1); } } } void printbylevel(node* root, int depth, int level) { if(!root) return; if(depth == level) { cout << root->c; } else { printbylevel(root->l, depth, level+1); cout<<" "; printbylevel(root->r, depth, level+1); } } void printlevelorder(node *root) { int d = depth(root); for(int i=0; i<d; i++) { for(int j=0;j<d-i;j++) cout << " "; printbylevel(root, i, 0); cout << endl; } } void printaltlevelorder(node *root) { int d = depth(root); for(int i=0; i<d; i++) { printaltbylevel(root, i, 0); } } int diameter(node* root) { if(!root) return 0; int lheight = depth(root->l); int rheight = depth(root->r); return (1 + max3(lheight + rheight, diameter(root->l), diameter(root->r))); } class dia { public: char height[30]; char diam[60]; }; dia* cdepth(node* root) { if(!root) { dia *t = new dia(); strcpy(t->height, ""); strcpy(t->diam, ""); return t; } dia* l = cdepth(root->l); dia* r = cdepth(root->r); if(strlen(l->height) >= strlen(r->height)) { strcat(l->height, &(root->c)); return l; } else { strcat(r->height, &(root->c)); return r; } } dia* maxPath(node* root) { if(!root) { dia *t = new dia(); strcpy(t->height,""); strcpy(t->diam,""); return t; } dia* lht = cdepth(root->l); dia* rht = cdepth(root->r); dia* lmaxpath = maxPath(root->l); dia* rmaxpath = maxPath(root->r); if((strlen(lht->height) + strlen(rht->height)) >= strlen(lmaxpath->diam)) { if((strlen(lht->height) + strlen(rht->height)) >= strlen(rmaxpath->diam)) { strcat(lht->diam, lht->height); strcat(lht->diam, &(root->c)); strcat(lht->diam, rht->height); return lht; } else { strcat(rmaxpath->diam, &(root->c)); return rmaxpath; } } else { if(strlen(lmaxpath->diam) >= strlen(rmaxpath->diam)) { strcat(lmaxpath->diam, &(root->c)); return lmaxpath; } else { strcat(rmaxpath->diam, &(root->c)); return rmaxpath; } } } int main() { // your code goes here char s[100]; cin >> s; node* root=NULL; for(int i=0; i<strlen(s);i++) insert(&root, s[i]); cout << "tree input is:" << s << endl; cout << "inorder: "; printinorder(root); cout << "\ntree depth=" << depth(root) << endl; dia* t = cdepth(root); cout << "tree height path= " << t->height << endl; cout << "level order: \n"; printlevelorder(root); cout << "alt level order: \n"; printaltlevelorder(root); cout << "\ndiameter of tree: " << diameter(root) <<endl; t = maxPath(root); cout << "max Path = " << t->diam << endl; return 0; } tree input is:fjghdklsamcbe inorder: a b c d e f g h j k l m s tree depth=6 tree height path= mslkjf level order: f d j a e g k c h l b s m alt level order: fjdaegklhcbsm diameter of tree: 10 max Path = bcadfmslkj
Jun 25, 2017
Tree traversal and diameter
#include <iostream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; int max(int p, int q) { return ((p>q) ? p : q); } int max3(int p, int q, int r) { return ((p>q) ? (p>r? p:r) : (q>r ? q:r)); } class node; class node { public: char c; node* l; node* r; }; void insert(node** root, char c) { if(!(*root)) { node* t = new node(); t->c = c; t->l=NULL; t->r=NULL; *root = t; //cout << "root=" << (*root)->c << endl; } else { if((*root)->c > c) { if(!(*root)->l) { node* t = new node(); t->c = c; t->l=NULL; t->r=NULL; (*root)->l = t; //cout << "left=" << (*root)->l->c << endl; } else insert(&((*root)->l), c); } else { if(!(*root)->r) { node* t = new node(); t->c = c; t->l=NULL; t->r=NULL; (*root)->r = t; //cout << "right=" << (*root)->r->c << endl; } else insert(&((*root)->r), c); } } } void printinorder(node* root) { if(!root) { return; } printinorder(root->l); cout << root->c << " "; printinorder(root->r); } int depth(node* root) { if(!root) return 0; return 1 + max(depth(root->l), depth(root->r)); } void printaltbylevel(node* root, int depth, int level) { if(!root) return; if(depth == level) { cout << root->c; } else { if(depth%2 == 0) { printaltbylevel(root->l, depth, level+1); printaltbylevel(root->r, depth, level+1); } else { printaltbylevel(root->r, depth, level+1); printaltbylevel(root->l, depth, level+1); } } } void printbylevel(node* root, int depth, int level) { if(!root) return; if(depth == level) { cout << root->c; } else { printbylevel(root->l, depth, level+1); cout<<" "; printbylevel(root->r, depth, level+1); } } void printlevelorder(node *root) { int d = depth(root); for(int i=0; i<d; i++) { for(int j=0;j<d-i;j++) cout << " "; printbylevel(root, i, 0); cout << endl; } } void printaltlevelorder(node *root) { int d = depth(root); for(int i=0; i<d; i++) { printaltbylevel(root, i, 0); } } int diameter(node* root) { if(!root) return 0; int lheight = depth(root->l); int rheight = depth(root->r); return (1 + max3(lheight + rheight, diameter(root->l), diameter(root->r))); } int main() { // your code goes here char s[100]; cin >> s; node* root=NULL; for(int i=0; i<strlen(s);i++) insert(&root, s[i]); cout << "tree input is:" << s << endl; cout << "inorder: "; printinorder(root); cout << "\ntree depth=" << depth(root) << endl; cout << "level order: \n"; printlevelorder(root); cout << "alt level order: \n"; printaltlevelorder(root); cout << "\ndiameter of tree: " << diameter(root) <<endl; return 0; } tree input is:jfmcnabkd inorder: a b c d f j k m n tree depth=5 level order: j f m c k n a d b alt level order: jmfckndab diameter of tree: 7
palindrome substring of a given string
#include <iostream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; bool ispalindrome(char* s, int l, int r) { int n = r-l+1; for(int i=0; i<n/2; i++) { if(s[l+i] != s[r-i]) return false; } for(int i=l; i<=r; i++) cout << s[i]; cout << endl; return true; } void palindromesubstrings(char* s) { int n = strlen(s); for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { for(int j=i+1; j<n; j++) { if(s[i] == s[j]) { //cout << "[" << i << "," << j << "]=" << s[i] << endl; ispalindrome(s,i,j); } } } } int main() { // your code goes here char s1[100], s2[100]; cin >> s1; cin >> s2; //cout << "palindrome " << s1 << " " << (ispalindrome(s1,0,strlen(s1)-1)? "true" : "false"); cout << "palindrome substrings of " << s2 << ":\n"; palindromesubstrings(s2); return 0; } palindrome substrings of ABCBAHELLOHOWRACECARAREYOUIAMAIDOINGGOOD: ABCBA BCB LL OHO RACECAR ACECA CEC ARA RAR IAMAI AMA GG OO
length of longest common subsequence of 2 strings
#include <iostream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; /* lcs(s1[1,m], s2[1,n]) = 1 + lcs(s1[1,m-1], s2[1,n-1]) if s1[m] == s2[n] = max(lcs(s1[1,m-1], s2[1,n]) , lcs(s1[1,m], s2[1,n-1]) ) otherwise */ int max(int x, int y) { return x>y?x:y; } int lcs(char* s1, int m, char *s2, int n) { if(m==0 || n==0) return 0; if(s1[m-1] == s2[n-1]) return (1 + lcs(s1, m-1, s2, n-1)); return max(lcs(s1, m-1, s2, n), lcs(s1, m, s2, n-1)); } int lcsdp(char* s1, int m, char* s2, int n) { int lcs[m+1][n+1]; for(int i=0;i<=m; i++) for(int j=0; j<=n; j++) lcs[i][j] = 0; for(int i=1;i<=m; i++) { for(int j=1; j<=n; j++) { if(s1[i-1] == s2[j-1]) { lcs[i][j] = 1 + lcs[i-1][j-1]; //cout << s1[i-1] << " "; } else { lcs[i][j] = max(lcs[i][j-1], lcs[i-1][j]); //cout << i << " " << j << " lcs:" << lcs[i][j] <<endl; } } } for(int i=0; i<=m; i++) { for(int j=0; j<=n;j++) { cout << lcs[i][j] << " "; } cout << endl; } return lcs[m][n]; } int lcsdp2(char* s1, int m, char* s2, int n) { int lcs[m+1][n+1]; for(int i=0;i<=m; i++) for(int j=0; j<=n; j++) lcs[i][j] = 0; for(int i=1;i<=m; i++) { for(int j=1; j<=n; j++) { if(s1[i-1] == s2[j-1] & i!=j) { lcs[i][j] = 1 + lcs[i-1][j-1]; //cout << i << " -" << j << " lcs:" << lcs[i][j] <<endl; } else { lcs[i][j] = max(lcs[i][j-1], lcs[i-1][j]); //cout << i << " " << j << " lcs:" << lcs[i][j] <<endl; } } } for(int i=0; i<=m; i++) { for(int j=0; j<=n;j++) { cout << lcs[i][j] << " "; } cout << endl; } return lcs[m][n]; } int main() { // your code goes here char s1[100], s2[100]; cin >> s1; cin >> s2; cout << "length of longest increasing subsequence of "<<\ s1 << " and " << s2 << " is: " << lcsdp(s1,strlen(s1),s2,strlen(s2)); return 0; } input: abba acbfabc output: length of longest increasing subsequence of abba and acbfabc is: 3
edit distance of two strings
#include <iostream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; int min(int x, int y, int z) { return (x<y)?(x<z?x:z):(y<z?y:z); } /* ed(s1[1,m], s2[1,n]) = ed(s1[1,m-1], s2[1,n-1]) if s1[m] == s2[n]; = 1+ min( ed(s1[1-m-1], s2[1,n]), remove s1[m] ed(s1[1-m-1], s2[1,n-1]) replace s1[m] with s2[n] ed(s1[1-m], s2[1,n-1]) ) insert s2[n] if s1[m] != s2[n] */ int editDistance(char* s1, int m, char* s2, int n) { if(m==0) return n; if(n==0) return m; if(s1[m-1] == s2[n-1]) { return editDistance(s1, m-1, s2, n-1); } return 1+ min(editDistance(s1,m-1, s2,n), \ editDistance(s1, m-1, s2, n-1), editDistance(s1, m, s2, n-1)); } int main() { // your code goes here char s1[] = "banana"; char s2[] = "bana"; char s3[] = "apple"; char s4[] = "banaba"; char s5[] = "bonanza"; char s6[] = "banamf"; cout << "edit of " << s1 << "-" << s2 << "=" \ << editDistance(s1,strlen(s1), s2, strlen(s2)) << endl; cout << "edit of " << s1 << "-" << s3 << "=" \ << editDistance(s1,strlen(s1), s3, strlen(s3)) << endl; cout << "edit of " << s1 << "-" << s4 << "=" \ << editDistance(s1,strlen(s1), s4, strlen(s4)) << endl; cout << "edit of " << s1 << "-" << s5 << "=" \ << editDistance(s1,strlen(s1), s5, strlen(s5)) << endl; cout << "edit of " << s1 << "-" << s6 << "=" \ << editDistance(s1,strlen(s1), s6, strlen(s6)) << endl; return 0; } edit of banana-bana=2 edit of banana-apple=5 edit of banana-banaba=1 edit of banana-bonanza=2 edit of banana-banamf=2
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