#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Given two straight line segments (represented as a start point and an end point),
// compute the point of intersection, if any.
//Logic - To be able to intersect the slopes should be opposite
bool doIntersect(int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey, int s1x, int s1y, int e1x, int e1y)
float slope1 = (sy-s1y)/(sx-s1x);
float slope2 = (e1y-sy)/(e1x-sx);
float slope3 = (ey-s1y)/(ex-s1x);
float slope4 = (e1y-ey)/(e1x-ex);
if(slope1>=slope2 && slope3>=slope4)
return false;
if(slope1>=slope2 && slope3<=slope4)
return true;
if(slope1<=slope2 && slope3<=slope4)
return false;
if(slope1<=slope2 && slope3>=slope4)
return true;
//point of intersect can be computed using slope formula
//say Ix. Iy is the intersection then slope(S,I) = slope(I,E) and slope(S1,I) = slope(I,E1)
//This will generate 2 equations with 2 unknowns and hence can be solved.
//special cases should be checked where either segments start or end lie on the other. In that case
// the distance formula can be used to verify.
int main() {
// your code goes here
bool res = doIntersect(1,2,3,4,2,6,2,-8);
cout << "intersect";
cout << "don't intersect";
return 0;